Sunday, February 9, 2014

I miss Italy!

This morning I laid in bed snuggling with my husband and talking about all kinds of things. I love these kinds of mornings!

My girls are playing grocery store together this morning. Tate wanted to make photo copies of real money for their store but I talked her into using Monopoly money. I could just see her taking her photo-copied one dollar bills to school and me getting arrested for really bad counterfeiting!

I really love having late church. Our church time isn't until 1:30 pm and it allows for sleeping-in and lazy mornings. It allows extra time if you have to teach a lesson at church and when we get home about 4:45 pm Scott usually has a yummy roasted chicken dinner ready. A lot of my church family says, "but when we have early church you have the rest of the day to do stuff". I always wonder what they are doing, that can be done on the Sabbath, that you can't do between waking and 1:30 pm. Maybe they really sleep in...a lot! That would be my teenagers excuse!

In keeping with my out-of-order life journaling here is my photo-story-of-the-day.
I am trying to lose weight (yeah, for like the last 15 years!) and Scott has promised me that if I get down to the size I want to be he will take me back to Italy. Well, that's motivation!
This is the Trevi fountain in Rome. A traditional Roman legend promises that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they will return to Rome.
I threw a coin!
I guess that means better go get on my elliptical machine and make that coin toss work for me!

Looks like I'm not the only one trying to go back to Rome! 
It also looks like the city of Rome is raking in a bunch of money at this fountain!!!
Photos taken by me on May 12, 2012

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